
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!


By Michelle Ayoub - Ravenous Medicine - 05/30/2008

As I sit to write this review, I realize that it will be quite the task, because following last Friday’s performance at Club Soda, I am just a tad bit giddy. Considering how many shows yours truly has seen over the years, going from itsy-bitsy productions to big-budget extravaganzas, from mellow indie rock concerts to the most obscure metal shows featuring bands from parts of Europe no one knew existed, I think that’s really saying something for Matthew Good and his band.


By Ida Jørgensen - Midnight Motion - 06/04/2008

GUTTER DEMONS - Misery, Madness & Murder Lullabies

By Jackie Hall - Bridge the Gap - 05/13/2008

It is rare that I embark on the task of writing album reviews…or any kind of review for that matter. My mother raised me with the saying, “if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.” While anyone who has listened to BridgetheGap before knows that I don’t follow these wise words so well when speaking, I do try when writing -- it is a time to be more reflective. Anyways, I’ve finally heard a new album worth writing about, and the best part is that the band in question is from Montreal.

JEUNESSE APATRIDE - Larmes aux poings

By Jackie Hall - Bridge the Gap - 05/16/2008

I have a superstitious Irish granny. She believes that all bad things come in sets of three.  However, I think that her belief in the number three may also be the case for good things happening in sets of three. In the last month, I’ve been to three record release shows for three local acts and have been pleasantly surprised on all three occasions. 
