Bill C-377 approved

Câmara dos Comuns / House of Commons

On Tuesday night, the House of Commons narrowly approved a controversial private members’ bill introduced by Conservative MP Russ Hiebert.

The bill would require labour unions to disclose extensive financial information to the Canada Revenue Agency, which would then post the information online. Many Conservatives defended the bill, claiming that the unions’ tax-exempt status justifies greater transparency.

Unions and opposition MPs have characterized the bill as an attack on organized labour. Critics have noted that the bill singles out labour unions while ignoring other tax-exempt institutions.

Others have argued that the bill violates Candians’ constitutional right to freedom of association. Meanwhile, Federal Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart has raised concerns about the large volume of private information that would be published under the new law.

Conservative MP Brent Rathberger took the unusual step of publically criticizing the bill. Rathberge

was one of five Conservative MPs to vote against the measure, which passed by twelve-vote margin.

Flickr Photo by: Marcio Cabral de Moura