CJLO Photo Diary << Safe In Sound Showcase << M for Montreal

What do you get when you mix CJLO and M for Montreal? Safe In Sound!

This diary takes you on an ocular journey across time and space, way back to November 16th, 2012, where a diverse group of artists performed to a sold-out crowd of music lovers at L'Escogriffe. Click here to read our feature article to learn more about the Safe In Sound showcase, the musicians, and be sure to check out the video and follow links for even more good music. 

Photos by MNJIVR, host of AutoBeat 
Text by Michael Cota, additional content editor and host of Here's Your Future


Echo Beach started off the colassal bill with and a playground of blips and bloops and an interesting stereophonic percussion.


AIM LOW, a band starting to gain the reputation of being just too fucking loud, are slowly escaping the definition of drone and entering a largely unexplored element of noise.


Kestrels manage to make a sound so sweet out of bass, drums and wah-wah pedal. Vocalist Chad Peck always maintains such calm borderline emo (meaning without whining) vocals that are so soft but still manage to swell.


Young Lungs maintained the overall mood with songs that reflected Jay Reatard guitar riffs and stayed comfortable in the realm of punk-pop.


Dig It Up was loud, proud, and took the night to a new level of showmanship with their pure, raw unadulterated set. This band knows what they are doing, how to turn on, and when to hit hard. Oh, and also they're almost as talented as a blindfolded Ravi Shankar.


USA Out Of Vietnam manage to work their music into a pop formula while touching on so many different genres within a 10-minute song. Knowing the band's history of exchanging members frequently, it's impressive to see how these members all work together without a hitch. 


Solids set up heat lamps above the stage that people whacked on for the entire set. The duo, consisting of Xavier Germain Poitras on guitar and Louis Guillemette on drums, sounds like a much bigger band. And they managed to make so much noise that the crowd started getting dizzy with the heavy tones flying at them left, right and center.