Laval youth take to the street

There is an increasing demand for basic social services and housing for youth on the streets, reports The Gazette.

Travail de la Rue Ile de Laval (TRIL) is a not-for-profit program acting as a secure place for young people to access legal advice or an adult confidante.

They say that staggering unemployment, high school dropout and high rent are some of the reasons why youth use their services.

They offer transitional housing, and have a drop-in site where youth in need can come to eat, do laundry or take a hot shower.

And in Laval, with very little affordable housing options, many kids have to choose between eating or paying rent, ending up taking to the street.

Laval is often thought of as being a rich neighbourhood, but poverty strikes there too, and it is becoming more and more visible.

TRIL is being financed through Centraide this year, and they always accept donations of all kinds and seek more volunteers.