Montreal "Officer 728" revised notes according to witness

Constable Stéfanie Trudeau may be in more trouble than she is already in.

According to a report by CBC News, Catia Moreau witnessed the arrest in question on October 2nd and overheard Trudeau tell fellow officers what to write in their notes so that she wouldn’t get into trouble.

The officers huddled under Moreau’s balcony to discuss how to write up what happened.

Meanwhile another video of the arrest has surfaced on You Tube. It shows Trudeau yelling at the man she was arresting and a witness. It also shows Trudeau using expletives when describing the people involved on a call to her supervisor.

"Officer 728: has since been suspended as the SPVM investigates the latest complaint against her. Police chief Marc Parent apologized for Trudeau’s actions last Thursday.