Ontario government in hot water

The Ontario government is in trouble, after revealing dozens of documents that it had instead "did not exist," concerning cancelled gas plants.

According to CBC, the Liberals released numerous documents in September, telling the legislature that all the documents had been released, however, an additional 20 000 pages were found a month later.

The latest batch of documents, as reported by the Canadian Press, adds about 600 more pages.

Ontario Power Plant Executives spoke to the media Thursday afternoon to try to explain the unaccounted documents.

Chair of the O.P.A's board of directors, Jim Hinds, said that the OPA had failed to search for the documents under "certain project code words" during the search last fall. Adding that their business is producing electricity, not producing documents.

Progressive Conservative Leader, Tim Hudak, expressed disappointment in the Liberals for using, what he called, such kind of trick. NDP MP, Andrea Horwath, questioned Kathleen Wynne on when she had realized more documents existed.

Wynne replied saying the energy minister had told her on Wednesday, and that it was unfortunate that not all the documents had been released before.

The cancelled gas plant controversy has been dogging the Liberals for months.