Pop-punk Legends Horace Pinker & A Good Day for Airplay on Sonics tonite!

Chicago pop punk group Horace Pinker, hot off of their recent hiatus and celebrating their 20th anniversary, are gonna drop by the CJLO studios tonight to perform LIVE on Hooked on Sonics prior to their show later tonight @ L'esco w/ Prevenge & Or Condor.  Also, Paul from Agooddayforairplay.com will be dropping by w/ his monthly segment of dreamy pop gems. Tune in!

Apologies from the Station Manager

Over the past week, there has been CJLO spam sent over 3rd party news sites from the manager@cjlo.com email address.

I would like to personally apologize and let the community know that we are doing all that we can to figure out who is responsible. Any email with a news attachment or a blurb about CJLO coming from my name and the manager email is spam. I do not endorse this kind of 'publicity' for the station.

I apologize again and thank you for your understanding.

Fantasia - Monster Brawl

Directed by Jesse T. Cook
Written by Jesse T. Cook
Cast Dave Folley, Art Hindle, Jimmy Hart, Robert Maillet, Lance Henriksen
Produced by Jesse T. Cook, John Geddes, Matt Wiele


On Wednesday the 3rd of August, Beautiful Music for Ugly Children has two very very very ugly surprises for you. First, local darkling Melankolya will be in for a chat and to dish out his beautiful music to sooth your ugly souls.

Second, Fantasia has graciously provided Beautiful Music for Ugly Children with tickets to attend the crooner of the macabre, Voltaire, who will be taking over the DB Clarke Theatre at Concordia University on Friday August 5th at 8pm.

Fantasia: Detention

Directed by Joseph Kahn
Written by Joseph Kahn, Mark Palermo
Cast Josh Hutcherson, Dane Cook, Jesse Heiman
Produced by Ricahrd Weager, Mary Ann Tanedo, Bob Abramoff

Nuits D'Afrique:Grupo Fantasma

The 25th anniversary of the Festival Nuits D’Afrique is turning out to be one of the most party oriented ones that I have ever witness. Over the years, I have attended and taken part in some of the festivals; they were all entertaining and fun, but the 2011 edition of the festival stands out as a marriage of new musical ideas from all the bands that I have seen so far.

Fantasia: The Divide

Directed by Xavier Gens
Written by Karl Mueller
Cast Michael Biehn, Lauren German, Milo Ventimiglia, Rosanna Arquette, Courtney B. Vance
Produced by Ross M. Dinerstein, Juliette Hagopian, Darryn Welch
