Episode 07041519

Air Date: 
April 7 2015 - 7:00 PM

This episode is no longer available for online streaming because it has expired from our archive.

Ramsey LewisDon't it feel good
CartolaPreciso me encontrar
The YoungstersTema de Kiko
MoondogTheme - Stamping Ground - Sumphonique #3 - Symphonique #6
Wendy CarlosLittle Fugue in G Minor
Guido & Maurizio de AngelisViolent Rome
Richard Haymann & Walter SearMelody Number Two
Greg AllmanCrying shame
Alain GoraguerCora
David BowieShake it (B-Sided)
BrightsideE.T. (ft. Firejay)
Greg AllmanSweet Feelin
NozaRoutine Alexandra
Guido & Maurizio de AngelisViolent Rome (take 3)
Wet n GrooveHer Majesty
Government of CanadaThose were the days
Cassius SelectCross Strut
DeadbeatShmaltzing After Midnight
DJ KrushWhut'z Da Solution ft. Kukoo Da Baga Bonez
DJ KrushParadise Bird Theory
Aligning MindsFolk Lore (Push / Pull remix)
Pacific ShoreYesterday

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