Wednesday March 16th 2016

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Hosted by Sam Obrand

Stories by Saturn de Los Angeles, Catlin Spencer & Patricia Petit Liang

Produced by Catlin Spencer








By Saturn De Los Angeles

The Montreal Police Brotherhood will be boycotting the 2017 World Police and Fire Games.

According to Global News, the boycott is due to their disapproval with the provincial government's pension reform plan, known as Bill 15.

Workers unions speculate that Bill 15 will deny union members the right to collective bargaining, including officers. 

Montreal Police Brotherhood president Yves Francoeur has tried to reach out to Mayor Coderre to reopen negotiations, but was turned down. 

A national union representing 60,000 police officers has also joined in the boycott.

by Catlin Spencer
A man in Toronto is facing nine charges after carrying a large knife into a military recruitment centre and attacking several people.

According to CTV News, 27 year old Ayanle Hassan's charges include three counts of attempted murder, aggravated assault and assault with a weapon.

All the injured parties were brought to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and were later released.

While it is believed to be a possible lone-wolf attack, the Prime Minister has said that Canadian Forces members are expected to remain vigilant.

Hassan appeared in court Tuesday afternoon, but the case has been put over until Friday.

by Patricia Petit Liang

UK doctors have demonstrated that a new cancer treatment has succeeded in reducing and eliminating some breast cancers over the course of 11 days.

According to BBC News, the findings were reported at the European Breast Cancer Conference and had a one-in-ten success rate with 257 women.

The drugs that led to this dramatic shrinking of tumors are lapatinib and trastuzumab, more widely known as Herceptin.

It is now believed that breast cancer is at least ten separate diseases, each with it's own cause and method of treatment.