Episode 12041518

Air Date: 
April 12 2015 - 6:00 PM

This episode is no longer available for online streaming because it has expired from our archive.

News & Community Calendar
MeridiusWalk the Plank
Talk Spot
XULOrbit of Nemesis
Cryptic HymnRevel in Disgust
WeaponEmbers and Revelations
Wacken Metal Battle CanadaBookakee - Whorrific
Pallor MortisGorged Flesh Adorned Their Shores
Black WitcheryBlack Death Conjuration
ArbitratorSerpent of the Styx
Wacken Metal Battle CanadaApokalyptik Warrior - Street Metal
Them County BastardzDrive By
News & Community Calendar
Wacken Metal Battle CanadaTsargrad - Galant Few-Victory
PrimalfrostPath of the Sky
Talk Spot
Wacken Metal Battle CanadaNordheim - Get Drunk or Die Tryin' (featuring TrollfesT from Norway)
ViathynCountess of Discordia
ProtokultHeaven Cast Me Out
Wacken Metal Battle CanadaSudden Flames - Gabriel's Quest
Crimson ShadowsHeroes Among Us
Wacken Metal Battle CanadaValyria - The Blinded Torch
Wacken Metal Battle CanadaVesperia - The Swordsman
Talk Spot
ManowarFighting the World

indicates CanCon!