Drone Day

Drone Day 2016 - tomorrow 5/28 at La Plante

CJLO will once again be participating in Drone Day this year.  If you want to come out to hear the droney goodness, stop on by La Plante at 185 Van Horne from 4PM onwards.  We at CJLO will be broadcasting the entire event through our Mixlr page.

If you think you'll be craving more, check out Drone Day's website where they'll be broadcasting all of the Drone Day festivities from coast to coast all day long.  Check out the Facebook page for more info on the Montreal event.

Drone Day 2015 - May 8th & 9th, 2015

UPDATE: Due to some scheduling conflicts, Drone Day on the 9th will now be held at Eastern Bloc.  This has been corredted below.  The show on May 8th will still be held at La Passe.


Beyond the Black Rainbow talks National Drone Day w/ Aim Low: Today @ 4pm

CJLO is pleased to be collaborating with Weird Canada, Eastern Bloc and La Passe to bring National Drone Day to the airwaves! Today at 4pm, Beyond the Black Rainbow will be doing a full on preview- chatting with members of Aim Low in studio to get pumped for DRONE! 



UPDATE (May 13,2014): Our Drone Day event was a huge success. For anyone who missed it, we've uploaded the audio below.


CJLO and Weird Canada present, The Montreal edition celebrating NATIONAL DRONE DAY!