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News July 7th 2010

Read and produced by Nicholas Fiscina.

Stories written by Nicholas Fiscina and Gareth Sloan.

The Police State Rocks On! - New Media and Politics

As I watched US policy take a drastic turn to the right during the administration of GWB jr. and Dick Cheney, I'll admit to being alarmed but not surprised. The Patriot act, unwarranted spying on Americans, "free speech zones," rendition, enhanced interrogation all seemed to be the wish fulfilment of a laundry list of items the right has always lobbied for. The Republicans have never been about increasing freedoms - other than 2nd amendment ones. So when Obama was inaugurated I thought all of this would be walked back and I was one of those who had no problems with the slow pace he was moving at figuring it would take considerable time to undo what Bush/Cheney had wrought.

Those Craaaaazy Believers iIn Global Warming! - New Media and Politics

I was reading a post over at Climate Progress about vanishing sea ice in the Arctic, and how in June it was at its' lowest extent and had gone through the fastest rate of decline in the satellite record and was thinking, "What does it matter?" The deniers will either claim it's not happening, or it's a one-off, or it's all part of some master plan to sandbag us all and they'll be loud enough and strident enough to continue to prevent real action from being taken. "Who the hell would these idiots listen to?" was the question that came to mind. Other than Jeebus, I mean.

Not Easy Being Green - New Media and Politics

Any excuse to play a Kermit the Frog song will do. Sadly Canada's Senate has decided to ignore the vote taken by Parliament on Bill C-311 which passed by a vote of 149-136 and requires the government to cut greenhouse gas emissions to 25 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 per cent by 2050.

Canada's Silly Season Still Missing - New Media and Politics

Post Canada Day weekend, summer is well under way and the arrival of the silly season is nowhere in sight - unless you think McGuinty calling himself a liberal or the suspension of Canadian civil rights constitutes a laugh riot.

News July 5th 2010

Read and produced by Emily Brass.

Stories written by Chris Hanna, Emily Brass and Jose Espinoza.

Climate Change - Not Controversial

Stephen Harper said he did not make climate change a priority at the recent G8 and G20 summits because it was a controversial issue. That is a bald-faced lie. It may be controversial to him and his climate science denying corporate pals but to the rest of the scientific world it is accepted science.

A recent study published by the National Academy of Sciences, involving 1,372 climate scientists, most considered top researchers in their field, shows that 97 percent agree that global warming is occurring and is being driven mainly by human activity - emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

Abdicating Responsibility - New Media and Politics

Hello there! Hope your Canada Day celebrations were great and it all went your way. Hope you spent it with family, ate great food and enjoyed summer weather.


News July 2nd 2010

News Produced and read by Drew Pascoe


Stories written by Jonathan Moore, Alina Gotcherian, Nick Fiscina and Drew Pascoe

News June 30th 2010

Read and produced by Nicholas Fiscina.

Stories written by Nicholas Fiscina, Matthew Phelps and Gareth Sloan.

News June 28th 2010

Read and produced by Lachlan Fletcher.

Stories written by Emily Brass and Jose Espinoza.

News Roundup - New Media and Politics

There is an entire segment of the population that doesn't want to deal with facts or science or anything they consider to be disagreeable, and they are called conservatives. In essence they have their own set of facts. In another era that would have gotten you institutionalized, today it gets you a job working for Fox News.

Below you can watch Rachel outline how much money BP has spent on spill response research in preparation of the kind of gusher we're witnessing in the Gulf of Mexico (hint: Nothing!).

Canada Day Eve - New Media and Politics


Hope you're getting ready to celebrate the year's best holiday. It comes without snow, without carols, without tinsel (unless your in Ottawa or somewhere where the citizens are particularly chauvinistic about our country), without massive financial obligations and the weather is generally pretty sweet. Sadly there's plenty of news to report on even though Parliament's on holiday until September.

Disgraceful Behaviour In Toronto

The behaviour exhibited by Toronto's police in this video that comes to us via is beyond reprehensible. They are violent, thuggish and deserve no respect or quarter. The explanation given by the police chief about the so-called Black Block being nearby as an excuse for the brutal and despicable response to peaceful demonstrators is a proven to be a bald faced lie in the video. This is our country, we should not stand by and tolerate this massive abusive of our freedoms. 

Roundup of G-20 News - New Media and Politics

Trying to get back in a regular groove what with holidays and a weird sense of burning out on litany of lies crap and bad news. None of which would be half as bad were it not for the frustration I feel when it's not reported in on detail and with context by the MSM. Things have gotten far more wankerish here in Canada that I could have imagined - even with Harper at the helm. 

Weekends Get Longer - Canadian News Edition

This will be brief. There was more bad news from Afghanistan yesterday as two Canadians were amongst the six NATO soldiers that died during what has been the deadliest month for NATO forces since the nine year old war began. Master Corporal Kristal Giesebrecht, 34, and Private Andrew Miller, 21, were on their way to deal with a mine that had been found in the doorway of a home when the vehicle they were in detonated an IED killing them both.

News June 25th 2010

News produced by Drew Pascoe, read by Erica Fisher

Stories by Jonothan Moore, Alina Gotcherian and Erica Fisher


Shout out to Mr. Pascoe (senior) who's birthday is today. Happy Birthday from the News Team!

News June 23rd 2010

Read and produced by Lachlan Fletcher.

Stories written by Emily Brass and Gareth Sloan.

Death of the Silly Season in Canada? New Media and Politics

I'm expectantly waiting for summertime to bring an end to political wrangling of all sorts but maybe I'm being naive. Maybe it's just not possible in an era where the media operates under the rules of 'there must be constant frenzy' so as to continuously keep the readers titillated. Does this signal the death of the silly season in Canada?


Barrack and Stanley - New Media and Politics

It's been all over the media already but I thought I should post top story of the last couple of days anyhow: Obama replaces McChrystal with General Petreus. In short, he found a way to dump McChrystal, for his ridiculous statements to a Rolling Stone reporter, and thus avoid being called a wimp or milquetoast. He did it without upsetting his Afghan allies, and the lack of uproar from the right on this speaks to his canniness on dealing with the crisis.
