News June 25th 2010

News produced by Drew Pascoe, read by Erica Fisher

Stories by Jonothan Moore, Alina Gotcherian and Erica Fisher


Shout out to Mr. Pascoe (senior) who's birthday is today. Happy Birthday from the News Team!

News June 23rd 2010

Read and produced by Lachlan Fletcher.

Stories written by Emily Brass and Gareth Sloan.

Death of the Silly Season in Canada? New Media and Politics

I'm expectantly waiting for summertime to bring an end to political wrangling of all sorts but maybe I'm being naive. Maybe it's just not possible in an era where the media operates under the rules of 'there must be constant frenzy' so as to continuously keep the readers titillated. Does this signal the death of the silly season in Canada?


Witness today's opening story about interview with CSIS director Richard Fadden that happened months ago and wasn't released until just this week. I didn't cover it immediately because it sounded like some mad crank. He said that a number of politicians were being directly influenced by foreign states. Sounds like crazy conspiracy talk to me. Turns out he actually said it, and the CBC which aired the interview on Tuesday sat on this explosive information for a considerable time. Maybe to ease the pain of quiet summers? What the hell were they thinking? 

He backtracked a bit later saying, “I have not apprised the Privy Council Office of the cases I mentioned in the interview on CBC,” and added “CSIS has not deemed the cases to be of sufficient concern to bring them to the attention of provincial authorities.”

The Summits are about to get under way starting with the G-20 in Toronto, which is under lockdown.  The world has noticed Harper's egregious spending on "security" and the fake lake making fools of us all. There will be an anti-war rally on the 26th outside the US consulate. At Massey Hall on Saturday there will be at the Council of Canadians, Shout Out for Global Justice with prominent social and environmental justice leaders from around the world including Amy Goodman from Democracy Now.

Oh by the way, in case you missed it, the Tories prison bill to cost Canadian taxpayers one billion dollars a year. Conservatives all over the world suck at actually being fiscal conservatives - they just talk about it endlessly.

Lastly, Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore labels critics of Bill C-32 (the Canadian version of the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act) "radical extremists" and urged confrontation against those who argue for fair copyright, and then tries to cover it up. Here's Cory Doctrow, a Canadian author who also who blogs over at who do an extraordinary job of keeping on top of this issue.


Music Review: Review Round-Up Thursday

Drowning Pool

Drowning Pool
eleven Seven

So Drowning Pool released an album recently called Drowning Pool.  No? You don't remember them?  They were that band who had that "Bodies" song in 2001 and then their lead singer died.  Oh, yeah, now you kind of remember right?  Well, they have a new album now.  Believe it or not its their fourth album, the third after the death of their first lead singer (whose name is/was Dave Williams).

After Dave died they decided to get a new singer named Jason Jones, who I guess was qualified because as a former tattoo artist, he was either standing around the band when they decided to look for someone new, or he gave them a bunch of tattoos and rather than pay him they offered him a spot in the band.  Either way he left and then the lead singer of Soil, Ryan McCombs, who looked around at his band and saw they weren't doing anything, decided that he could sing for them.

This is Ryan's second album with the group, so naturally its probably some great leap forward with the band since they've been touring and writing music together.  I'd love to tell you that this is the case, but I really couldn't convince myself that I wanted to go and find the last album and listen to it to compare it to this one.  I just couldn't convince myself that I'd done anything bad enough to warrant such a punishment.  But what's the current album like?

To be honest, this album is even less than memorable, much like the band itself.  As I write this, I'm four songs in and I haven't really noticed that anything has changed.  All the songs sound like rip offs of Soil songs, which is like saying, "Hey, let's pick a band to sound like, but not someone good, that?s too obvious.  Let's go for someone who no one will notice if we rip off.  Hey Ryan, what's that band you're in?  Soil?  Great, we're going to sound like you guys now."

The album is only 39 minutes long, and therefore is longer than a full episode of Say Yes to the Dress on TLC.  Speaking of which, that's just one of the many shows that grab my attention more than this album.  Granted, pretty much every show on TLC throws me into an almost incomprehensible anger, but the reason for both is the same.  The reason I feel such anger at any show on TLC is that I see no reason why it exists.  I mean, who needs to make a show called Extreme Poodles or Toddlers and Tiaras?  It's the same thing with a new Drowning Pool album.  Sure, you can make it, but why would you want to?  The only difference is that on TLC, I become angry because of the stupidity of the whole thing.  For the Drowning Pool album, I don't feel anything, that?s how bland and uninteresting it is.

Still though, in both cases the person that really loses is the consumer of these media.  That time in front of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant is never going to come back, just like the 39 minutes that I had to sit through of this boring hard rock.  I demand retribution.  I propose that Drowning Pool watch a day of TLC programming and TLC programmers listen to a day's worth of this Drowning Pool album.  By the time it's over, both sets of them will either died of boredom, become so brain damaged that they won't be able to hurt anyone any more, or will have taken their own lives in a futile attempt to stop the pain.  Though this seems cruel, I think it would be best for all mankind, and isn't that a small price to pay?

(Andrew Wieler)

Holy Fuck

Holy Fuck, now here's a band that constantly draws flack over its name... Not necessarily because it's obscene, but because people always feel they fail to live up to their mind-blowing promise. Well with the recent release of their new album Latin the flame wars are sure to heat up once again. Why? Because if Latin is anything, it's simply OK.

Holy Fuck is a hard band to pin down, they fall into an odd space between electronic and rock music (the same place my house keys probably disappear to too). However rather than combining the more aggressive traits of each they opt for the more minimal side of each. In the end the product sounds somewhere between shoe gaze and efficient german techno... If Helvetica Oblique had a sound this would be it. It is most adventurous with "Red Lights" (which combines genres well) and "Sht Mtn" (which has some tasty and fuzzy guitar parts).

So will Latin cause you to exclaim in shock and surprise? I doubt it, but it's also not bad enough to be, well... bad. Listen to the whole album and you it might find it blurs together, but if you like white space and straight lines this will go nicely with your morning espresso.

(Gareth Sloan)

Sleigh Bells

The duo that makes up M.I.A. proteges Sleigh Bells come from very diverse backgrounds: guitarist/sonic architect Derek Miller used to play guitar in notable hardcore band Poison The Well during their most productive years and singer Alexis Krauss was part of pop outfit Rubyglue. The year-old duo joined forces to create Sleigh Bells, a band categorized as... Noise pop. And no, that's not a typo. The band's sound is equal parts My Bloody Valentine and La Roux (and bands of its ilk) – overcharged electro beats, meaty guitars and soaring, reverbed vocals. The sum of the parts, however, are way better than the resulting whole: Treats is a half-hour ride of empty, basic pop music and sonic screeches, disposable and forgettable bits of musicality that are entirely interchangeable. It's hard to deny the record's ability to get folks up and dancing with its many percussive elements, though most would be hard-pressed to tell which song they were dancing to.

(Brian Hastie)

Barrack and Stanley - New Media and Politics

It's been all over the media already but I thought I should post top story of the last couple of days anyhow: Obama replaces McChrystal with General Petreus. In short, he found a way to dump McChrystal, for his ridiculous statements to a Rolling Stone reporter, and thus avoid being called a wimp or milquetoast. He did it without upsetting his Afghan allies, and the lack of uproar from the right on this speaks to his canniness on dealing with the crisis. No doubt after a weekend of thinking it over the right will emerge with quibbles but you can put his handling of this in the victory column for Barrack.


Rachel walks us through all the complicated issues in play including the COIN strategy and whether or not Obama should use this crisis as an excuse to re-evaluate the war and its' goals. The point that this is, and has been of late, an unsexy war which mirrors what I've been saying for weeks. This decision will affect Canadians serving in Afghanistan. We'll learn how soon enough but hopefully it will be for the better as Petreus is a more flexible individual than the blood and guts McChrystal was.

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The Great White North In Summer - New Media and Politics

Other than the sound of too many mosquitoes and black flies, all should be quiet on most fronts in Canada. Sadly one of our fronts is Afghanistan, so there will be trouble to report on the whole season long. For example today a Rolling Stone interview with the NATO Commander, Stanley McChrystal was released and all hell broke loose. Read for yourself, but essentially the General displays a poor sense of judgement, gets drunk on Bud Light Lime, and then spills his guts to the reporter and it's not pretty. Viscera, entrails, the works!

 That directly concerns and affects Canadians serving over there and their families at this end. There's to be an offensive sometime this summer in the Kandahar region, the Taliban heartland, where most Canadian are stationed and the four-star General is the chief strategist... for now. He's been summoned to the White House and word is he's already offered his resignation. I'm with Keith Olbermann when he tells Obama not to accept. It's too easy a way out of a very tough spot that McChrystal helped to create.

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It'll be interesting to see which route Obama chooses.

As for the goings on here in Canada, well, the G-8 and G-20 summits are on the way and with all the mad spending that has gone on so far you won't be surprised that money was found to buy water canons (water projection systems are the official name!). What democracy can function without water canons?

Rest assured that even though Parliament is off for three months somewhere, somehow Iggy will be putting his foot in it.


Word from the Globe and Mail says Harper not looking to a fall election, but Jack Layton is.

Ecosystem Of Businesses - New Media and Politics


If there was anything that was ever emblematic of our corporate fellating culture it was this story from the Guardian about the lawyers fighting to put an end to the moratorium on deep sea drilling in the Gulf. They had the unmitigated gall to say that the ban on drilling was "...destroying an entire "ecosystem of businesses." This in the wake of actual destroyed ecosystems, uncounted dead and dying animals and species that may disappear forever. I say this all the time on my show when I mention the Valdez spill of 21 years ago - the herring never returned.


My only conclusion can be is that they are sociopathic, lying idiots who have no children and never intend to have any. Their entire reason for being is to assist in the rape of the planet, consume all that they possibly can and die, and to hell with life on this planet. They threaten people's jobs even while the have destroyed the livelihoods of untold millions. The amazing thing is that these arguments have resonance with the right and the teaparty and today these arguments stuck and a judge with connections to big oil ruled in their favour and drilling may continue.

This push back by the right and the right-wing media and their uninformed supporters comes amid numerous stories that BP was negligent and even lied to Congress about it.

There is late breaking word on Keith's show that Ken Salazar and the Obama administration will re-impose the ban. Hooray for a modicum of sanity!

CJLO Currently Off-Air

Please note that due to a technical issue at our transmitter site we are currently off air on the dial. You can still listen online at and on iTunes Radio. We are working to fix the problem and hope that it will be resolved as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding.

Canadian War NNews - New Media and Politics



Another Canadian soldier dies in Afghanistan - Sgt. James Macneil, 28, was killed by an improvised explosive device while on foot patrol in Kandahar. Heartfelt condolences. This comes on the heels of a report to the UN Security Council that said bombings and assassinations have soared in the past four months in the Taliban-dominated south. For some reason I was reminded of this.


It was all part of a bad day in Afghanistan that saw 9 NATO soldiers killed.

The Oceans and Climate Science - New Media and Politics

On this morning's radio show the focus was climate change and the current state of our oceans and their general health. Starting with a story from Science Daily about a newly published report in the latest issue of the journal Science that evaluates the total impact of  climate change, carbon dioxide, pollution and other human-related phenomena on the world's oceans. Scott C. Doney's paper represents a meticulous compilation of the work of others as well as his own research in this area, which includes ocean acidification, climate change, and the global carbon cycle. An important read if you are trying to understand all the factors in play.  

Another study published in Science magazine on Friday concurs saying, the world's oceans are virtually choking on rising greenhouse gases, destroying marine ecosystems and breaking down the food chain... The changes could have dire consequences for hundreds of millions of people around the globe who rely on oceans for their livelihoods. The oceans are interconnected of course and included in that study is information about how the temperatures of polar oceans are connected to temperatures in the tropics. Essentially what the study states is that a continued rise in global temperatures could lead to a permanent state of 'El Niño' which would lead to yet more warming, and by the way, the likelihood of increased episodes of extreme weather. The consequences of these changes are too numerous to list but even MSM wankers Time Magazine, have noted some of them - cute penguin alert.

 Lastly for your perusal, a diary from Dailykos with news on actions Obama has taken to stem the tide of Mountain Top Removal (MTR) permits issued in the US that is the beginning of the end to the sleazy days of the Bush/Cheney admin allowing polluting corporations to ignore the rule of law. There's also a host of assorted green related news stories.
