
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!

MESHUGGAH + Cynic @ Club Soda

By Jake Wenzel - The Incinerator - 02/18/2009

THEORY OF A DEADMAN + Rev Theory @ Le National

By R. Brian Hastie - Countdown To Armageddon - 01/15/2009

Theory Of A Deadman is no one's favourite band. I'm glad I got that statement out of the way at the onset of this review, as I feel like it accurately describes the concert experience I recently flung myself into.

N.A.S.A. - The Spirit of Apollo

By Classi Assi - Go Funk Yourself - 02/17/2009

CRADLE OF FILTH + Satyricon @ Metropolis

By Christine Lariviere - The Lonesome Strangers - 01/17/2009

On Saturday, January 17th, I took the 55 bus through the frigid, negative-something weather, and wound up in front of Metropolis to be greeted by a swarm of black t-shirted, long haired fans -the tell tale signs of any self-respecting metal show.

NICKEL EYE @ Green Room

ByPaul Brown - The Go-Go Radio Magic Show - 01/14/2009


By Omar Goodness - Hooked On Sonics - 03/22/2008

GRANT HART @ La Sala Rosa

By Omar Goodness - Hooked On Sonics - 06/06/2008
