
Lots of awesome bands have recorded live sessions at CJLO over the years! Check out our latest featured sessions here or view the complete list.

controller.controller Live @ CJLO

Toronto’s death disco post punk quintet controller.controller rolled into the CJLO studios on a dark Saturday evening, October 30, 2004, to record 4 songs for Hooked on Sonics.  One of the easiest sessions we ever had to record, they came in, set up, and ran through all four songs in no time, with no extra takes.


Catlow Live @ CJLO

Ex-Dirtmitts frontwoman, Natasha Thirsk brought her new tunes to CJLO September 30, 2005.  Working under the name Catlow and featuring Brent and Kevin of the Salteens backing her up, Natasha was in town for the Boompa Records Pop Montreal showcase, continuing our streak of locking down practically every Boompa band for a CJLO session.


Cadeaux Live @ CJLO

Vancouver spazzy poppy post-punk quintet Cadeaux breezed into the CJLO studios April 22, 2005.  Awesome kids, we taught ‘em some French, discussed New Wave Cola, and marveled at the “Woot!” sign on the back of their van, courtesy of Devon.  Katie also taught us the meaning of “Degrassi Hi-Five”.  Awwww, these kids were swell, we miss ‘em already…

